Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, August 23, 2024
This King Needs Your Support, Be His Army of Peace and Solidarity
Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ to Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation in Brittany, France on July 19, 2024

Jesus asked me to read 1 Samuel 12 :
The aging prophet Samuel met with his people to take stock and give advice. He had led this people in righteousness and God's Will. These people had solicited God for a king to lead them, forgetting that God was that King who led them. The Lord granted their request and Saul was the first anointed.
Samuel's words demonstrate that even the little people, chosen and pampered, deviate from divine directives, depart from them and prevaricate. But magnanimous God accepts repentance and fills His children anew.
Word of Jesus Christ:
"My daughter of Love, Light and Holiness, I bless you from the Thrice Holy God and My blessing extends to all who receive My Word and are enlightened by it.
Behold, My last King comes. He will know how to reach your heart and unite it with Our United Hearts of Mary Immaculate and Mine, Sacred Heart, in Redemption, your Salvation.
The time of trial must end. This chosen king will come to hand over My Crown that I had entrusted to you. To bear the Crown, as I have shown you, is to bear The Cross among the people who, for the most part, offload their responsibilities, what seems to them undue constraint .
This role of king then becomes coveted and an object of persecution by the proud since it is inaccessible by the own and human means of the one who desires this noble coronation. Only God gives the necessary grace to the chosen one who bears the complex charge of loving and leading the soul in peace and joy to His Creator.
The passage on earth is a time of purification and this could have been done in the humility and gentleness of being equal brothers each being in his personality and sharing.
This attitude of sharing in humility makes The Cross light and the way home joyful. The chosen king is here to show you. He is the model, the witness and the worthy son of the One, the Only King, who chose him.
This king has nothing but possesses everything. He is in the inheritance of the Eternal Father. You will see in his gentle gaze the Light, joy and peace of his trust in God, his assurance in His Love and his perseverance in obeying and joining Him.
You know, My tender children, how much the enemy hates this valiant king and he does everything to wound Him, despise Him, discredit Him, discourage Him, destroy Him since this king walks in the footsteps of Christ. Don't you have a lesser but similar struggle?
This king needs your support, be his army of peace and solidarity. Be militant, protective knights with your prayers and collaboration in Faith and Charity.
Christ is Victorious, the chosen king is in His Steps, his retinue, his army, his brothers are all under the same blessing.
I love you My children, I am waiting for you. Promise Me that you will no longer stray from Me and that you will remain brothers in the Body of Christ .
All is accomplished, My children. This liberation takes place according to your collaboration, your good will. You are not alone, Mary Co-Redemptrix, in My Presence, is always with you. Her FIAT made My Incarnation possible at the Father's appointed time. By agreeing to give her life for the coming of the Messiah, your Redeemer, she also agreed to bear the gestation of the advent of the Body of Christ, His People, His Church: the Man who is, in the desert, protected awaiting His triumphant entry, after the trial, into the eternal Kingdom.
My children,
I send you a gentle and humble-hearted king,
welcome a great monarch.
He's discreet,
keep His secret.
He'll hand me the crown,
He will keep the Light of it.
Jesus Christ in God's Hour"
Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation, some servant in the Divine Will of the Almighty, One God
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